Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Siri vs. Google ‘OK Glass’

The Apple vs. Microsoft and Google battle has been ramping up in recent years as Microsoft partnered with Google and began to become a legitimate competitor to Apple. It used to be that Apple was a stand-alone market leader, but Microsoft and Google have begun challenging the technologically savvy Apple company.

So what’s Apple’s next strike against competition? Well Siri has made a subtle stab at Google’s new “OK Glass”. If you have the most up to date Apple operating system, simply ask Siri about OK Glass. She is not happy. Responses you might hear will be, “I’m not Glass. And I’m just fine with that” or “I think you’ve got the wrong assistant.”

A Mashable article written by Vignesh Ramachandran (article found here) describes his experience with asking Siri  on the iOS 6 operating system and how she was not happy: “She also got sassy about Glass’ ability to respond to users’ blinks: ‘Just so you know, I don’t do anything when you blink at me.’” In addition, if you ask Siri what the best tablet is, she will bluntly reply, “There is only iPad.”

Passive aggressive or not, Apple wants Siri to only know Apple, thus potentially impacting the consumer.

So what does this mean? Is Apple going too far? What’s next?


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